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South Golden Beach, New South Wales, Australia on 23rd March 2015 – by Timothy Fairless
“Clear and calm weather with minimal wind provided the perfect chance to document many sets of waves rolling onto South Golden Beach, just north of Byron Bay. Recording close to […]
Bird nest, Seyðisfjörður, Iceland in May 2019 – by Charo Calvo
“Seyðisfjörður, at the top of the mountain, east of the town. A tiny black and white bird was sitting in its nest. While I approached he started to fly around […]
Sea waves on a rocky beach, Cumberland Bay, Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile on 5th June 2019 – by Martín Cruz Farga
“Robinson Crusoe is a very isolated island in the Pacific Ocean, 600 km off the coast of Chile. I was there reporting for a Las Raras’ story about a tsunami […]
Skating rink, Sergiyev Posad, Russia on 5th January 2012 at 8pm – by Vladimir Kryuchev
“This is a binaural recording that sounds much better when listened to through headphones. It’s about minus 15 Celsius or 5 Fahrenheit, and the rink is full of skaters: young […]
A field of skylarks, Beaconsfield, UK on 10th May 2020 – by Tim Baynes
“On my frequent walks across this meadow the skylarks always sing, rising vertically high into the air. On Sunday I set my phone down and walked away. They must have seen me […]
The Magical Dripping Tree, Hoh Rainforest, Olympic Peninsula, USA in October 2017 – by Thomas Rex Beverly
“Surprisingly, this sound is not rain. It was recorded under a patch of blue sky next to what I called “The Magical Dripping Tree”. You’re hearing massive drips from fog-soaked […]
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Theme adapted from Podcast by Dumitru Brinzan.