Marsh at dusk, Southern Quebec, Canada in Spring 2020 – by Geoff Mitchell
“Dusk is one of the most active times for bird and frog calls in this marsh in Quebec, Canada. The large open space invites listening, with birds swooping by and lots […]
Morning Swim, Belle Isle State Park, Detroit, Michigan, USA on 14th July 2020 – by Zak Rosen
“On the 1,000 acre island, just over one-mile from our home, on the eastside of Detroit, there’s a swimming hole I like to go to as much as I can. […]
Kaibab Lake, Arizona, USA on 7th April 2020 – by Diane Hope
“This little pocket-handkerchief sized reservoir sits between the main BNSF rail line and Highway 64 just 50 miles south of the Grand Canyon and is a popular recreational spot so […]
Raindrops against the roof of a car, Sergiyev Posad, Russia on 12th December 2017 – by Vladimir Kryuchev
“Sitting in the car, listening to the raindrops beating against the roof. This is a binaural recording.”
Babbling brook stroll, Devil’s Glen Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada in June 2020 – by Veronica Simmonds
“I sat by this brook for a long time recording its burblings before an older couple walked down the trail, ‘taking pictures of the water are ya?’ the man asked. […]
Rusava, Czech Republic on 3rd May 2020 – by Tomáš Šenkyřík
“The recording is from the place where I grew up and where I used to listen to the soundscapes since my early childhood. There is a meadow with some old fruit trees, […]
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Theme adapted from Podcast by Dumitru Brinzan.