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Gathering thunderstorm on the coast of Brittany, France, from inside a tent, on the 28th of July 2018 – by Rhiannon Armstrong
“I recorded this in a rare moment of quiet at a family reunion attended by more than 100 relatives in Saint Brian-sur-Mer in Brittany, France. My aunt was also taking […]
Call to prayer, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2016 – by Hana Walker-Brown
“The call to prayer rings through the bustling market.”
At the closed border between Czech Republic and Austria on the 4th of April 2020 – by Brit Jensen
“All Czech borders with neighbouring countries have remained closed since the middle of March (precisely since the 14th of March). The only traffic allowed through/past are trucks transporting goods. These […]
Twilight, Corhanwarrabul Wetlands, Australia in December 2008 – by Paolo Pietropaolo
“In December 2008 we were visiting my brother-in-law in the southeastern suburbs of Melbourne. There was a wetland in the park next to his house that had the most insane […]
Krumme Lanke, Berlin, Germany, Erholungsuchenden on a Sunday afternoon in January 2020 – by Marta Medvešek
“I went for stillness at the lake, but everyone else did the same… 15 min of ducks, birds, people and different machines. And water.”
River, Longarone, Dolomiti Mountains in Veneto, Italy – by Jonathan Zenti
“In 2013 the little mountain village of Longarone, in the Dolomiti Mountains in Veneto, Italy, celebrated the anniversary of the greatest natural disaster caused by human beings. 50 years before, […]
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Theme adapted from Podcast by Dumitru Brinzan.