Primal scream atop Bernal Hill, San Francisco, USA on 20th January 2025 at 9am – by Kristina Loring

“A group of organizers had distributed flyers in our neighborhood for a timely cathartic moment atop the large mountain park that overlooks the city of San Francisco and the bay. It was organized to coincide with the swearing-in of the newest conservative American regime on Inauguration day. But one’s rage can’t be limited to whoever is in the presidential office. We scream for a litany of injustices—an endless list that cannot be exhausted here. Many rages filled my lungs that day and escaped my mouth in an inarticulate howl. Beneath the rage was a yearning for:
Justice for Palestinians everywhere. Justice for trans folks everywhere. Justice for refugees everywhere.”

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Theme adapted from Podcast by Dumitru Brinzan.