Skating rink, Sergiyev Posad, Russia on 5th January 2012 at 8pm – by Vladimir Kryuchev
“This is a binaural recording that sounds much better when listened to through headphones. It’s about minus 15 Celsius or 5 Fahrenheit, and the rink is full of skaters: young […]
A field of skylarks, Beaconsfield, UK on 10th May 2020 – by Tim Baynes
“On my frequent walks across this meadow the skylarks always sing, rising vertically high into the air. On Sunday I set my phone down and walked away. They must have seen me […]
The Magical Dripping Tree, Hoh Rainforest, Olympic Peninsula, USA in October 2017 – by Thomas Rex Beverly
“Surprisingly, this sound is not rain. It was recorded under a patch of blue sky next to what I called “The Magical Dripping Tree”. You’re hearing massive drips from fog-soaked […]
Salters’ Garden, City of London, UK on 21st April 2020 – by Emerald Paston
“My housemate and I used our daily walk to explore the eerily empty city. We chanced across this patch of highly organised greenery and stood for a while enjoying the […]
Easter lunch in Pouilly-sur-Loire, France on 13th April 2020 – by Abi McNeil
“Lunch with my family has recently become a significant event. We try to elevate the household mood with delicious things, such as a gratin of courgettes, bacon with endives or […]
Hailstones and rain heard from inside a shipping container, Ballycurrin, Co. Galway, Ireland on 1st May 2020 – by Alan Meaney
“After a few days of sunny weather, the clouds darkened in the morning and I anticipated rain. I grabbed my recorder and made my way into the shipping container which […]
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Theme adapted from Podcast by Dumitru Brinzan.